OFF GRID WEALTH MANAGEMENT **Secondary Meeting Point:** Choose an outside location near your home, like a neighbor's house or a designated landmark, where family members can meet if evacuation is necessary. **Additional Meeting Point:** Select a location outside your neighborhood, such as a park, community center, or relative's home, in case the immediate area is unsafe. #### Step 4: Communication Plan **Phone Protocol:** Teach children to use cell phones or landlines to contact family members if separated. Ensure they know how to text if voice lines are overloaded. **Emergency Numbers:** Ensure children know how to dial 911 and other emergency contacts. **Out-of-Area Contact:** Designate a relative or friend outside your area as a central contact point for family members to check in with. #### Step 5: Bug Out Bag / Emergency Kits Prepare small backpacks for each family member containing essentials for 72 hours: - [____] Water bottles – 3 days' worth - [____] Food – 3 days' supply (MREs, energy bars) - [____] Medications for 7 days - [____] Pain relievers - [____] Flashlight with extra batteries - [____] Solar battery pack - [____] Lighters - [____] Rain poncho - [____] Complete change of clothes - [____] Sleeping pad - [____] Blanket - [____] Warm clothing (depending on climate) - [____] Whistle - [____] Small first aid kit

- [____] Three pairs of medical gloves - [____] Wet wipes and toilet paper - [____] Signaling mirror - [____] Emergency flare - [____] Knife - [____] Multi-purpose tool with can opener - [____] Portable stove with extra fuel - [____] Stainless steel pot - [____] Waterproof zip-lock bags

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