The Rigged Poker Game of the Stock Market

You can’t beat a rigged system by playing by their rules. The smart money is already out of the game. They’ve moved into something real—something that doesn’t depend on hopium to hold its value: physical gold and silver. Gold isn’t going to crash when the market implodes. It’s not going to disappear when banks fail. Gold has been around for 5,000 years, and it’ll still be here when all those digital dollars turn into dust.

### The Coming Market Crash: Don’t Be the Last One Holding the Bag

We’ve seen this movie before. The insiders know exactly when to cash out. They’ve been doing this for years—1929, 2008—and now, they’re about to do it again in 2024. They know when the crash is coming, and they’re making their moves. You? You’re sitting there with a pile of IOUs, convinced that if you just hang on a little longer, everything will be We’ve seen this movie before. The insiders know exactly when to cash out. They’ve been doing this for years—1929, 2008—and now, they’re about to do it again in 2024. They know when the crash is coming, and they’re making their moves. You? You’re sitting there with a pile of IOUs, convinced that if you just hang on a little longer, everything will be fine. Let me ask you this: Do you really want to be the last one holding the bag when the music stops? Do you want to watch your savings vanish overnight, like millions of others did in 1929 and 2008? Because that’s where we’re headed, my friend. The signs are all there—corporate insiders are selling faster than ever, central banks are stocking up on gold, and Buffett’s hoarding cash.

Do you honestly think these billionaires and insiders don’t know what’s coming? They’re laughing while you’re still playing the same losing hand.

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