D. DEPENDENCY ON TECHNOLOGY A CBDC’s success heavily relies on technological infrastructure. Technical glitches, outages, or disruptions in digital services could temporarily paralyze financial transactions, affecting individuals and businesses. E. MONETARY POLICY IMPLEMENTATION Central banks utilize monetary policy tools to control inflation, interest rates, and money supply. Transitioning to a CBDC requires careful consideration to ensure that these tools can still be effectively implemented in the digital realm. F. POTENTIAL FOR GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE The digital nature of transactions may raise concerns about government surveillance. Striking a balance between preventing illicit activities and respecting individual privacy is a delicate challenge. G. LOSS OF ANONYMITY Unlike physical cash, digital currencies may lack the anonymity that cash transactions provide. Every transaction, regardless of size or purpose, could be traceable, raising concerns about the surveillance of individuals’ financial activities. H. INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONS The global acceptance and interoperability of a CBDC need to be addressed. Coordination with other countries and international financial institutions is crucial to avoid disruptions in global trade and financial stability. In conclusion, while the adoption of a CBDC holds promises of a more efficient financial system, addressing the concerns and pitfalls is imperative to ensure a smooth and responsible transition that balances technological progress with societal needs and individual rights.


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